Sunday, January 11, 2009

Christmas time with the family

I know this a little delayed, but Katie had to get the pictures on this blog. We had a wonderful Christmas, even if Grandad was in the hospital, still. He continues to progress every day and is now taking a few steps with a walker. It's a lot of work, but he's getting there. Even more exciting--weight has dropped to 298--it's been a long time since he's weighed under 300! The dietary consultant (who has a weight problem) asked how he did it and he said, "Hospital food!"

We continue to count our blessings and the small steps that add up to the bigger picture. Thanks for all your prayers and good thoughts. So glad to have so many of you checking on us--Love, Georgeanna
Giggley, gorgeous Kiley Ann
Dad with his marshmellow gun from Lovelands
Me with the Wii
Santa was reaaaalllyyy good!
What's Christmas without a pinata

Derek and family acting out the Nativity
Christmas eve dinner with D. Engstroms and Buchanans

Grandad with Derek, Vicki and kiddoes
Whitney and Breilly with a Rudolf "substitute"
Katie and Emily and Cookie making make-up
Tough day for Dad Derek and Kiley
Grandad with Kiley

Grandad and Grandma with the D andV Johnson clan

1 comment:

Ali said...

Mom, these pictures are priceless. You can really tell that Dad has lost weight! I bet that has really helped his progress.

The kids all look adorable and it makes me miss being closer to cousins.

Good luck with the Minnow.