Thursday, November 27, 2008

Lloyd's Therapy

As you can see Lloyd's recovery is progressing. He is able to move his left side more and is making progress everyday. Many friends have come to visit him which keeps his spirits up. Thank you for all your prayers and good wishes. We love you all.


Ali said...

Love you Dad. We wish we could be there to visit with you in person. You are always in our prayers and hearts. Get well soon and good luck with your continued therapy. Work hard. Hugs and Kisses.

Ali said...

I never doubted, Mom. I just couldn't tell if it was your voice or Katie's, but I am totally excited it is going to be you doing the writing. Yay!

Michelle Menden said...

We're glad Uncle Lloyd is doing well! And we're excited to keep up with you on your blog! Happy Thanksgiving.